+/- 214.18 Acres, 3 Tracts Class A SOILS Helt TWP. Vermillion County, IN. March 15th

Online pre-bidding begins Friday, March 10th, 2023, at 8:00 AM closing Wednesday, March 15th, 2023, at the close of live the event.
+/- 214.18 Acres, 3 Tracts
Helt TWP. Vermillion County, IN.
Auction Time & Date:
Wednesday, 10:00 AM EST, March 15th
Auction Location:
Beef House Restaurant
16501 N, IN-63, Covington, IN 47932
Farm is located 2 miles south of Dana, IN.
1.5 miles south State Rd 71 and US 36 intersection.
Section 2, T15N R10W, Helt TWP. Vermillion County, IN.
Class A Soils
1/2 Mile Rows
Excellent Yield History
2 miles south of AC Grain
Open Farm Tenancy for 2023
T1: +/- 96.86 Acres; 91.40 NCCPI SOIL RATING.
All tillable except for the road side ditch.
Assessor PIN: 83-11-02-300-001.000-007; $3,048 Real Estate Tax = $31.46/acre.
Buyer shall reimburse Holbert Farms Inc for Fertilizer and Lime at closing in the amount of:
$6,602.95 Fertilizer and $3,034.62 Lime = Total T1 reimbursement due at closing $9,637.57.
T2: +/- 36.28 Acres; 92.2 NCCPI SOIL RATING.
All tillable except for the road side ditch.
Assessor PIN: 83-11-02-300-002.000-007; $1,138 Real Estate Tax = 31.36/acre.
Buyer shall reimburse Holbert Farms Inc for Fertilizer and Lime at closing in the amount of:
$2,473.21 Fertilizer and $1,136.65 Lime = Total T2 reimbursement due at closing $3,609.86.
T1 & T2: 5 yr APH, 211.31 bu corn - 77.43 bu soybeans.
T3: +/- 81.04 Acres; 92.00 NCCPI SOIL RATING.
All tillable except for the road side ditch.
Assessor PIN: 83-11-02-400-001.001-007; $2,526 = $37.17/acre.
5 yr APH, 203.32 bu corn - 71.89 on soybeans.
Travis Selby
IN Auctioneer AU1070091
IN Broker RB1404432