TEST +/- 460.39 Acres offered in 5 tracts, Catlin Twp. Vermilion County, IL. Thursday, 10:00 AM, November 9th
Online pre-bidding begins Monday, Nov 6th, 2023, at 8:00 AM closing Thursday, Nov 9th, 2023 at the close of live the event.
Class A Soils
+/- 460.39 Acres, Offered in 5 Tracts
Catlin TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
Auction Time & Date:
Thursday, 10:00 AM, November 9th.
Auction Location:
Georgetown Fair Banquet Center
413 N Seminary Street
Georgetown, IL. 61846
Farm tracts are located 1 mile west of Westville, IL on County HWY 5, and 1.5 miles south of Catlin, IL on County HWY 7, and 2.5 miles south of Catlin IL on County Rd. 1100 North.
Part of sections 9,10, 11, and 1, T18N- R12W Catlin TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
Class A Soils.
T1, T2, T3, and T4, system tiled farms.
Highly Productive, Drummer and Flanagan Soils.
Open farm tenancy for 2024.
Online and In Person, Multi Parcel Bidding.
T5 is a standalone tract.
T1: +/- 80.00 Acres; +/- 77.03 Tillable Acres, 143.3 PI
Part of section 10 and section 11, T18N- R12W Catlin TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
PIN# 27-10-200-002 (40.00A); tax = $2,656.40
PIN# 27-11-100-001 (40.00A); tax = $2,726.38
2022 payable 2023 Real Estate Tax Total = $5,382.78 = $67.28 per acre.
T2: +/- 118.69 Acres; +/- 117.9 Tillable Acres, 142.8 PI.
Part of section 11, T18N- R12W Catlin TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
PIN# 27-11-100-002 (78.79A); tax = $5,123.78
PIN# 27-11-300-004 (39.75A); tax = $2,601.74
PIN# 27-11-300-005 (00.15A); tax = $ 0
2022 payable 2023 Real Estate Tax Total = $7,725.52 = $65.09 per acre.
T3: +/- 116.21 Acres; +/- 115.23 Tillable Acres, 140.8 PI
Part of section 11, T18N- R12W Catlin TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
PIN# 27-11-200-005 (116.21A)
2022 payable 2023 Real Estate Tax Total = $7,093.38 = $61.04 per acre.
T4: +/- 48.22 Acres; 100% tillable tract, 144 PI
Part of section 1, T18N- R12W Catlin TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
PIN# 27-01-400-010 (09.22A); tax = $ 615.56
PIN# 27-01-400-007 (39.00A); tax = $2,526.24
2022 payable 2023 Real Estate Tax Total = $3,141.80 = $65.15 per acre.
T5: +/- 97.27 Acres in total; 100% tillable tract, 143.8 PI.
Standalone tract, cannot be bid on in combination.
Part of section 9 and section 10, Catlin TWP, T18N – R12W, Vermilion County, IL.
PIN# 27-09-400-002 (20.00 acres); tax = $1,384.22
PIN# 27-10-300-006 (27.67 acres); tax = $1,815.06
PIN# 27-10-300-005 (49.60 acres); tax = $3,294.40
2022 payable 2023 real estate tax = $6,493.68 = $66.75 per acre.
Land Broker and Auctioneer, Travis Selby
IL AUCTION Lic.# 441001485